She said "Tolkien? oh you need to ask (I forgot her name now) she's obsessed with him" so I was introduce to this clerk, whose name escapes me now. She quickly ran about and located all the new arrivals that were not on the shelves. She can back with a hard cover of Roverandom and Tolkien and the Silmarillion. I realise now that asking a clerk should always be my first priority since the books are not always in the same location.
Besides that the new Lego Lord of The Rings are out. They look amazing. I don't think I'm going to buy them for some time, but I will get my hands on the upcoming video game for xbox 360. I find it rather boring that all games based on Tolkien's Middle Earth all follow the movie designs.
Battle For middle Earth I-II, Lord of the Rings Conquest, War in the North all seem to follow the trilogy so close that I am almost wondering if any one's ever going to design their own versions anymore?
Once a beloved book is on the screen it seems people get lazy and just accepts what the film makers came up with. If every troll looks like a cave troll from the films then I don't think game designers are doing their jobs. I on the other hand say, there's more than one way to skin a cat. -bad expression.
Anyways that's my rant for the day. I'm working on maybe starting a video blog to post here soon, maybe by summer or fall.