Sunday, October 30, 2011

On Collecting (Part 2)

To start off I'd like to say that being a so called "geek" has its up sides. When it comes down to collecting anything, it depends on the collectors taste and wants. I started collecting Star Wars 15 years ago and switched to Tolkien about 10 years ago. To collect Star Wars is easy. Its everywhere and you'll go broke because there's just too much to buy. With Tolkien it's every now and then, which makes it easier on the wallet.

Collecting the books and DVD's is one thing. Some folks go as far as collecting all the Weta workshop statues ( I wish to God I could afford those) and the side show collection.
There's all sorts of gadgets and Swords, bookends, and costumes to boot. I would suggest having a goal. For me it was to have all of the works hard cover. I still have to get the history of Middle Earth in hard cover but besides that I'm set.

Buying art or posters is another great way to decorate your Tolkien room or library. I purchased this and the one bellow for $10 a piece and framed them. It cheap and easy and looks sharper than just a pinned up picture.

Each collection is in its own way unique. Not everyone will have the same items. Unless your that guy in New Zealand who has it all. Peter Jackson. lol

But have fun with it, spend on budget and remember to always keep an eye out. Those damn Orc's are everywhere.

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